GP Wellbeing Workshops

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Working as General Practitioner is incredibly gratifying and challenging at the same time. The challenges are often accepted as part of the busy day and faced at the cost of personal health and wellbeing.

During a general practice working day, clinicians become active listeners for patients who are seeking the opportunity to be heard and to express fears and frustrations, problem solvers, detectives who seek information across multiple systems, gate keepers, experts in targets and processes, and magicians who keep time. When the demand and workload rise, clinicians might start feeling fatigued, irritated, depressed, anxious, isolated, or unsure.

The following workshops are available to clinicians who are keen to practice recognising what is important and to experience self-empathy.

A series of workshops have been inspired by the work of Marshal Rosenberg (Nonviolent Communication A Language of Life). Nonviolent communication is a language that keeps us conscious of our own choices.


Workshop 1 - Turning Burnout into Strength

This workshop helps to recognise four common feelings, anger, depression, guilt, and shame, and use them as friendly guides to connect to ourselves and our deepest needs. These common feelings are at the core of the clinician burnout and unhappiness that leads to people leaving the profession, retiring early, or reducing commitments.

In this workshop we will be looking at anger, depression, guilt, and shame as friendly feelings that point at needs not been met.

Workshop 2 - Empathy in Practice

Empathy is the most precious gift that clinicians can offer to patients: a gift of presence in the present time. Of course, being present requires not bringing anything from past experiences, and being open and curious to hear people feelings and needs. In this workshop we explore the meaning of empathy and practice ways to connect to ourselves and others.

Workshop 3 - Nonviolent Communication Bitesize

Nonviolent communication is a learnable process, a language that promotes compassionate connection. It is a very simple process based on four elements: observation, feelings, needs, and requests, and yet it requires a lot of practice.

These sessions offer an opportunity to explore the principle of nonviolent communication.

Want to find out more?

Please send us a message and we can arrange a meeting to discuss further.